

The Text Book Loan Library.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The close of the first half year has left many students in possession of text-books which are no longer of use to them. Surely it is better to give these books to the Text Book Loan Library than to throw them away, whether it be into the waste-basket or the hands of the book-dealer.

The Loan Library provides books to students to whom the purchase of text-books is a considerable financial burden. At present 406 of the 1500 books are being so used. But the library is far from complete. Books are needed especially in Mathematics, Engineering, History, Government, Economics, and Fine Arts.

A collection of text-books will be made in connection with the clothing collection of this week, in an effort to remedy this deficiency. We sincerely hope that all men who have text-books which they do not want will, by saving them for this collection, put them into this valuable service. C. R. MAKEPEACE '13.   J. R. SIBLEY '12.   E. D. SMITH '13.
