

First Performance of Cercle Francais Comedy in Copley Hall, Boaton, This Evening at 8 o'clock.

The Cercle Francais will give the first performance of its twenty-fifth annual play, "La Double Belle-Mere," in Copley Hall this evening at 8 o'clock. The play, a charming comedy in three acts by Alexandre Bisson and Antony Mars, deals with the surprises and entanglements resulting from a divorce and the subsequent marriages of the parties concerned.

Tickets at $1.50 and $1 each may be obtained from C. W. Cheney, Randolph 26, at Copley Hall, or at the Co-operative Society's store, before the performance. The final performance will be given in Copley Hall tomorrow evening.

The cast is as follows: Henri Duval,  F. S. Allen '16 Bourganeuf,  J. S. Abreu '14 Champeaux,  V. Freedley '14 Corbulon,  P. L. Cable '14 Madame Bonivard,  Madame E. H. Darmand Gabrielle,  Miss Dorothy Faunce Diane,  Miss Elsie Burr Victoire,  Miss Grace Lockwood
