


The Senior election for Class Secretary, members of the Class Committee, the Class Day Committee and the Photograph Committee will take place in Phillips Brooks House today between 8 A. M. and 7 P. M.

The complete list of nominations is as follows:

Secretary--H. C. Everett, Jr., Boston; W. Tufts, Jr., Boston.

Class Committee (two to be elected)--P. G. M. Austin, Santa Barbara, Cal.; J. H. Coon, Watertown; G. N. Phillips, Middletown Springs, Vt.; G. H. Roosevelt, Tivoli-on-Hudson, N. Y.

Class Day Committee (seven to be elected)--C. T. Abeles, St. Louis, Mo.; W. B. Adams, Springfield; E. L. Barron, New York, N. Y.; R. B. Batchelder, Salem; R. W. Bennett, Weston; C. L. Callander, Fargo, N. D.; F. W. Copeland, Winnetka, Ill.; J. B. Cummings, Fall River; J. A. Donovan, Lawrence; G. T. Driscoll, Brookline; D. E. Dunbar, Springfield; S. M. Felton, 3rd, Haverford, Pa.; W. T. Fisher, Chicago, Ill.; A. M. Goodale, Cambridge; E. A. Graustein, Cambridge; E. C. Hardy, Dorchester; H. G. Knight, Detroit, Mich.; J. B. Langstaff, Brooklyn, N. Y.; D. Lawson, Boston; W. W. Leonhauser, Montclair, N. J.; A. S. Neilson, Lawrence, L. I.; R. M. Nelson, St. Paul, Minn.; D. C. Parmenter, Gloucester; H. J. Smith, Denver, Colo.; A. H. Tomes, New York, N. Y.


Photograph Committee--(three to be elected)--H. V. Bail, Dorchester; H. N. Baldwin, West Newton; W. J. Blake, Fall River; R. Bowser, Richmond, Va.; B. L. Chase, Niagara Falls, N. Y.; G. F. Cherry, Roslindale; W. M. Danner, Jr., Denver, Colo.; G. E. Fahys, Jr., New York, N. Y.; H. B. Gill, Lockport, N. Y.; C. MacR. Makepeace, Providence, R. I.; W. L. Ustick, St. Louis, Mo.; R. D. Whittemore, Cambridge.

Unless the proper number of men are voted for for each committee, the ballot will be invalid for that committee. No Senior will be eligible to vote unless his name has previously been registered on the voting list.

The following have been appointed watchers at the polls and should report at the designated times: 8-9, W. T. Fisher, J. C. Faulkner; 9-10, J. D. Adams, W. T. Fisher; 10-11, N. E. Paine, Jr., H. J. Smith; 11-12, W. M. Danner, Jr., E. C. Hardy, R. F. Marshall; 12-1, F. W. Copeland, T. B. Lewis; 1-3, H. G. Knight, F. J. Leviseur, F. C. Rogerson; 3-5, S. P. Speer, P. H. Wellman; 5-6, T. B. Lewis, W. R. Taggart, Jr.; 6-7, G. Elliott, Jr., C. C. Kimball.

Every Man Should Vote.

The Senior election today ought to bring a very definite and complete expression of the will of the Class. Many candidates have been nominated for the committees. To choose the men most satisfactory to the Class is possible only by a large vote. At the first election 414 men voted. In order to equal this record today every Senior is urged to vote and to remind others to vote.

The polls are open from eight until seven, an unusually long time. SENIOR NOMINATING COMMITTEE.
