

Work Will be Started Soon for Yale's Mammoth Amphitheatre.

Tentative plans for a coliseum in New Haven to take the place of the present wooden stands on Yale Field have been approved by the Advisory Board of Architects, and construction will probably begin within a month. A committee is now at work settling the details of the project. The structure will seat about 60,000 people, and its cost is estimated at $300,000. A circular letter has been sent out to the alumni requesting contributions, and the replies will largely determine the rapidity with which work will progress.

The coliseum is the main item in an extensive program for improving athletic facilities at New Haven. One hundred acres of land have already been acquired, at a cost of $140,000, opposite the present field, and the work of grading has commenced. An adequate club house will eventually be erected on a part of it. The coliseum, however, is first in order, and it is hoped that it will be completed by next fall.
