
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Monday, November 4.

4.30.--Seminary of Economics. "Political Activities of the American Labor Unions," by Mr. J. G. Ohsol, in Upper Dane.

4.30.--**Southworth Lectures in Andover Theological Seminary. "Current Problems of Organized Religion. I, The Problem of Ecclesiastical Unity" by Rev. Dr. H. Hensley Henson, in Andover Chapel.

5.00.--*Physical Colloquium. "Magnetic Properties of Iron under high Frequency Excitation" by Mr. Christian Nusbaum, in Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25.


7.00.--Senior Smoker. Holworthy to Stoughton in Holworthy 1 and 2.

7.00.--*Trials for Freshman and Sophomore class debating teams, in Trophy room of Union.

7.00.--*Meeting of Dramatic Club business candidates, in Thayer 57.

7.00.--Dr. Fitch's Freshman Bible Class, in Brooks House Parlor.

7.00.--Dr. Francis's Junior Bible class, in Brooks House Office.

7.30.--Trials for Junior and Senior class debating teams in Sever 11.

8.00.--*Menorah Society meeting in Shapherd Room of Phillips Brooks House.

8.00.--Modern Language Conference. "Verse and Drama" by Mr. Laurence Binyon, in the Common Room, Conant Hall.

Tuesday, November 5.

3.00.--**Bumping races for dormitory crews in Basin.

4.00.--Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 5.

5.00.--*Yale game applications close.

7.00.--Election returns in Union.

7.00.--Professor Cole's Senior Bible Class in Brooks House Office.

7.00.--Dr. Evans's Sophomore Bible class in Brooks House Parlor.

7.30.--*Finals for team trials for inter-class debating, in Trophy Room of Union.

Wednesday, November 6.

3.00.--**Finals of Dormitory crew races in Basin.

3.30.--**Race between first and second Freshman crews.

3.30.--**Race between third, fourth, fifth, and sixth Freshman crews.

4.00.--*Last consolation cross-country run at Chestnut Hill.

4.00.--Faculty of the Graduate Schools of Applied Science. Meeting at University 5.

4.30.--**Southworth Lectures in Andover Theological Seminary. "Current Problems of Organized Religion. II, The Problem of Belief" by Canon Henson in Andover Chapel.

7.00.--*St. Paul's Society. "The Practical Use of the Bible" by the Rev. Alexander Mann, D.D., in Phillips Brooks House.

8.00.--Meeting of the Iowa Club in Assembly Room of Union.

Thursday, November 7.

3.00.--Harvard Dames reception in Brooks House Parlor.

4.30.--Cosmopolitan Club weekly ten at Holyoke House 7.

7.00.--*Freshman vs. Sophomores inter-class debating, in Trophy Room of Union.

7.00.--Phillips Club dinner in Trophy Room of Union,

7.45.--Lecture by Major-General Leonard Wood M.'84, in Living Room of the Union.

8.00.--*Exposition of Chamber Music. Mr. Whiting, assisted by Mrs. Anna Taylor-Jones, Mr. Georges Vigneti, and Mr. Georges Barrere, in New Lecture Hall.

Friday, November 8.

4.30.--**Lecture. (In German.) "Leading Ideas of the Present Time. VII. The Problem of Monism and Dualism" by Professor Eucken, in Emerson D.

4.30.--**Southworth Lectures in Andover Theological Seminary. "Current Problems of Organized Religion. III, The Problem of Moral Discipline" by Canon Henson, in Andover Chapel.

7.30-8.30.--Music by Kanrich's Orchestra, in Living Room of Union.

8.00.--*Seniors vs. Juniors in inter-class debating, in Trophy Room of Union.

8.00.--Romance Seminary. Meeting in Upper Warren House.

8.00.--**Harvard Philosophical Club. "Sensation and Feeling" by President G. Stanley Hall, of Clark University, in Emerson J.

Saturday, November 9.

2.00.--**Football with Vanderbilt in the Stadium.

3.00.--**Harvard 1916 vs. Worcester at Worcester.
