

Hours for Visitors at Museums, Union and Brooks House.

For the convenience of visitors, the following list of buildings open to the public and the hours at which they may be visited is given.

The Harvard Union will be open to all from 7.30 A. M. to 12 P. M. It will also be open tomorrow from 8 A. M. to 11 P. M., but on this day ladies may enter only the corridors and the ladies' rooms.

The Phillips Brooks House will be open today from 8 A. M. to 11 P. M., and tomorrow from 2 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon. There is a ladies retiring room in the building.

The Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology and the Semitic Museum, both on Divinity avenue, will be open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.

The University Museum of Natural History, including the collection of glass flowers, entered from Oxford street or Divinity avenue, and the Germanic Museum on Cambridge street, will be open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. today and from 1 to 5 P. M. tomorrow.


The Fogg Art Museum, also on Cambridge street, will be open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. today and from 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. today and from 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. tomorrow.
