

(Alumni Bulletin).

The Yale Alumni Weekly presents figures showing the average incomes of 184 graduates of the Yale class of '06, 188 of the Shefield class of '06, and 155 of the Princeton class of '01, for the five years after graduation, with the figures for the Princeton class continued for the ten years after graduation. They are reprinted below, in the order just mentioned:

The Princeton figures for the years from the sixth to the tenth after graduation inclusive, continue as follows:

It may be urged that a considerable proportion of college men come from well-to-do families and are provided with good jobs at once; but that fact is offset by the other fact that the first three years out of college are for many men years of study in a professional school in which they earn no income. The two facts may fairly be considered as balancing each other. With the figures from so many men taking part in the result, drawn from two universities, and from two departments in one of them, the average may be thought of as fairly representative of eastern conditions.

First year,  $ 740.14  $ 683.85  $ 706.44Second year,  968.80  898.39  902.39Third year,  1,286.91  1,257.24  1,198.94Fourth year,  1,522.98  1,686.14  1,651.15Fifth year,  1,885.31  2,040.04  2,039.4
