


There will be a meeting of all candidates for the University hockey team in Thayer Common Room this evening at 8.30 o'clock sharp. Coach A. Winsor '02 will outline the plans for the coming season and Captain H. B. Gardner '13 will also speak.

The fact that six men who won their insignia last year have been lost by graduation indicates the necessity of having a large squad of candidates to choose from, and every man who has had any previous hockey experience is urged to report. Practice will begin at the Arena Thursday afternoon for all candidates with the exception of these on the football squad. The Freshman team will not be called out for several weeks.

The preliminary season, extending up to the Christmas recess, will include only practice games, the important contests not coming until January and February. One or two games with Technology will very probably be arranged as a part of the preliminary work. Negotiations are under way for a three-game series with Yale and Princeton, two games of each series to be played in the Arena. The University team will also meet some of the fast Canadian teams which played here last winter.

Hockey at Yale and Princeton.

Hockey prospects at both Yale and Princeton for the coming winter are fairly good. Of last year's Princeton team which tied with Harvard for the intercollegiate championship three men will be available.


Captain H. A. H. Baker, left centre, about whom the whole of last year's attack was developed, will of course be able to play. He was the most spectacu- lar player seen on the ice last winter; in combination with Kuhn he carried the puck the length of the ice for many goals. W. Kuhn will also be available at right centre, and he and Baker should again prove and exceptionally fast pair of forwards. The only other regular player from last year's team will be T. Emmons at coverpoint. Of the substitutes, Patterson, at left end, who played in several of the university games last winter, is probably the best man. Kilner and Lee will also undoubtedly be used. But little good material was developed on the freshman team, Peacock, a forward, the one really first class man, being ineligible. R. Cowan, another forward, is the only other sophomore who appears to be of university calibre.

The prospects, on the whole, appear very good for a strong forward line, although there is some doubt about the defence, particularly as to the development of a good goal-tender.

Yale Team Should be Fast.

At Yale there are four members of the 1911-12 team eligible: Captain A. Hannan and Cox as forwards, and Martin and Gore on the defence. There are also two good substitute forwards in Chauncey and McLean. Several very experienced players are also available from the championship freshman team of 1912, particularly Heron (captain), Ordway, and Bangs on the forward line, and Game at point. There are several good men for the position of goal-tender from both the substitutes and freshmen. The prospects for a fast team are much better at Yale this year than they were last year, good men being eligible for every position.

The practice of both the Princeton and Yale teams is dependent entirely upon good weather and consequently no prophecy can be made as to the comparative calibres of the two teams. Both squads, however, will get some practice at the St. Nicholas rink in New York during the Christmas vacation and there is little doubt but that with the good men available both universities will have fast teams
