
Junior Treasurer's Report

In accordance with the provision in the Class Constitution that the treasurer's report be made public twice each year, the retiring treasurer makes the following statement to the Junior class:   RECEIPTS. Balance on hand from Freshman treasurer,  $42.00 Subscriptions collected by Finance Committee,  317.40 Balance from Freshman Dinner Committee,  4.00 Balance from Freshman Red Book Committee,  30.00   $393.40   EXPENDITURES. Student Council dues (1911-12),  $10.00 Bands in Freshman year (A. M. Kanrich),  137.00 1914 Banner in Freshman year,  6.00 Printing in Freshman year,  4.00 Postage,  2.15 Printing,  17.45 Telephoning,  50 Smokers (Mar. 1, Apr. 11, May 23), Refreshments,  114.32 Entertainments (Music, etc.),  60.00   $351.42 Balance on hand,  $41.98   Respectfully submitted,   GEO. F. PLIMPTON, Treasurer.
