

(Boston Transcript).

Announcement was made at Yale today that arrangements had been completed with owners of private dormitories whereby all members of the freshman classes would be withdrawn from and accommodated in the university dormitories. This is possible for the first time in the fifty years since Yale began its modern expansion. At least the freshman class of the college or academic department has been housed in private dormitories and boarding houses and a lucrative business on the part of their proprietors has grown up which will be killed by the recent faculty action forbidding freshmen to room in them. Two large dormitories on York street are especially affected by the change and the arrangement just reached by the faculty and their proprietors has required considerable diplomacy. Dean Jones of the academic department said today that, with the exception of possibly twenty-five members, the freshman class would be entirely accommodated on the campus this year. The freshmen will room in the new Wright dormitory, which was today opened for occupancy, and in Pierson Hall. The sophomores will be quartered in Durfee, Farnam and Lawrence Halls, the juniors in the so-called Berkeley Ovoal dormitories, White and Berkeley Halls, and the seniors in Vanderbilt, Welch and Connecticut Halls. The academic senior class will number 325 or 330 members, against 385 last year.

In the Sheffield , Scientific School a freshman class of about 450 members was unofficially estimated this morning, against 436 last year. For the first time the Forrest Daniels Gateway, erected to the memory of a member of the class of 1907, was seen today by undergraduates, and the gateway in memory of the late President Nash Porter is nearing completion.
