
Tennis Matches Yesterday and Today

Only three matches were played in the interclass tennis tournament yesterday afternoon. A. Sweetser '11 defeated H. A. Johnson '11, 6-1, 6-1, N. E. Paine, Jr., '13 defeated G. Sturgis '13, 6-3, 6-3, and E. H. Whitney '14 defeated E. H. Woods '14, 6-3, 6-4.

Owing to the poor weather yesterday, no defaults will be called. On account of the intercollegiate games only men who are behind in the tournament are scheduled to play today. It would greatly facilitate the running of the tournament, however, if the other matches scheduled for yesterday were played today.

1912.--Jarvis Field at 2.30: C. S. Cutting vs. F. C. Gray, winner to play A. Richard at 4.

1913.--Jarvis Field at 2.30: A. J. Lowrey vs. S. P. Speer, winner to play H. S. McKee at 4.

1914.--Jarvis Field at 2.30: S. Hoffman vs. winner of Morgan-Lawton match: F. V. Burton, Jr., vs. R. A. Newman, winner to play G. F. Plimpton at 4: W. Smith vs. G. B. Kayser, G. Bettle vs. J. K. Hodges, winner to play J. C. Devereux at 4, E. B. Starbuck vs. C. F. Maxwell, E. R. Hastings vs. D. B. Buffum.
