

Acting-Dean Wells, in a speech before the Christian Association said that Dean Hurlbut advocated strongly the appointment of four deans, one for each class, who should be under the supervision of a fifth. He himself, he added, believed that there should be even more--that the classes should be divided and sub-divided, each division having a separate dean.

The advantages of a dean for each class are obvious. One dean, in a college the size of Harvard, has not time to keep in touch with everyone, and can only deal with such men as are on probation or near the line. With an increased number of deans, however, every man would be brought into closer contact with the College Office, and a sympathy between the men and the Faculty, which does not now exist, would spring up. A step in the right direction was taken by the appointment of a Freshman dean, and it is to be hoped that before long the Faculty will see its way clear to the establishment of three more assistant deans.
