

Will Leave at 1 for Annual Game With Tigers Tomorrow.

The University baseball team will leave on the 1 o'clock train this afternoon for Princeton to meet the Tigers tomorrow at 2.30 o'clock. The team will spend the night at the Murray Hill Hotel in New York and go down to Princeton tomorrow morning. After the game they will wait to see the boat race between Princeton, Cornell and Yale on Lake Carnegie before returning to New York. The following 17 players will make the trip: R. C. Babson '12, I. C. Bolton '12, J. P. Carr '11, R. C. Clifford '12, J. H. Coon '13, J. R. Desha '12, F. S. Ernst '12, H. T. Gibson '13, C. Hann, Jr., '11, H. R. Howe '12, A. J. Kelly '12, R. G. McKay '11, C. B. McLaughlin '11, R. S. Potter '12, H. E. Reeves '12, H. A. Rogers '11, R. B. Wigglesworth '12, Coach Sexton, Rubber Fallon and Managers G. E. Jones '11, and Y. Arai '12 and F. W. Hubbell '13. A special car will leave Harvard square at 12.30 o'clock.


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