
Advocate Reviewed by Prof. Neilson

The epidemic of muck-raking has at last reached the college magazines, and both of our literary papers have severe attacks. The case of the "Goodies" having been exhibited, the Advocate now turns its attention to the College Chapel, and the editorial in the present issue will bring the blush to many a clerical cheek. It appears that the editors go to chapel and are bored by uninteresting sermons. Clearly the Board of Preachers must be reorganized at once.

Why should not the Monthly and the Advocate muck-rake each other? We offer a few suggestions for the Monthly's opening attack. It may point out that the account of the Council of Federated Clubs is informing but prosy; that the "Tale--Full of Sound and Fury" really signifies nothing, and is unspeakably silly; that in "An International Love Affair" a fair story is marred by an effort to be smart; that the "Three Moods of the Marsh" are vague and vapid. (Alliteration is always effective in muck-raking; the fitness of the words is less important). The critic may further observe that the verse is extremely conventional and not always grammatical; and that Kentish sailors must have queer occupations that lead them monthly to the Severn and the Trent. But the real opportunity for sensational exposure lies in the notices of plays at the Boston theatres: a feature that has clearly been instituted with a view to obtaining free tickets for the editors. Graft!

These points, properly worked up and presented in the Monthly's new style, ought to give that paper the racy flavor it is trying to exchange for the literary tone it has in other days not unsuccessfully cultivated; and next month the Advocate can have its chance at the Monthly.

The present reviewer does not think quite so badly of the contents of the present issue as his zeal for helping the Monthly has led him to appear to think; yet he confesses he has seldom read a duller number of the Advocate.
