

Annual Social Event in Union Very Successful and Well Attended.

The sixth annual dance given by the Junior class in the Union last night proved a great success. In all, over 350 persons were present, the guests beginning to arrive shortly after 8.30 o'clock. There were 12 dances before supper, which was served from 12 until 1 o'clock, and 12 more afterwards, the dancing lasting until 4 o'clock.

As at the dances of the past two years, no additional ornaments were placed in the Living Room, where the dancing was held, other than a large class banner, and an American flag draped over the fire-place. The receiving party stood in the north corner of the room. The lobby, liked the Living Room, was not extensively decorated, the only ornaments being laurel festoons draped from the lights, and potted palms in the corners. The decorations in the rooms of the west wing and the Dining Room, in all of which boxes were located, had been carefully planned and artistically arranged. As a central lighting fixture in each room was a large gilt sunburst, illuminated by frosted and red bulbs. From these were festooned Japanese lanterns and great masses of southern smilax. In the Writing and Game Rooms yacht signals and pennants added to the gaiety of the effect. The boxes were separated, some by screens, others by the thick-hanging vines, and all were filled with a profusion of sofas, chairs, pillows, and rugs, with potted plants and flowers in every corner.

Everywhere was to be seen evidence of the activity and good taste of the committee in charge, and of the efforts of the Union employees. The dance was organized and conducted by the following committee: R. B. Wigglesworth, chairman; G. H. Balch, H. deWindt, J. Elliott, T. Frothingham, Jr., F. C. Gray, H. L. Groves, J. Hoar, J. P. Kennedy, R. Lowell, S. Mixter, G. F. Newton, T. S. Ross, R. S. Potter.
