
Prof. Reisner's Work in East

Professor G. A. Reisner, assistant professor of Egyptology, has just returned from Egypt and will give, during the present half-year, three half-courses on Egyptian history and art.

During the past eleven years, Dr. Reisner has been carrying on excavations in Egypt for the University of California. Harvard, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the Egyptian government. At the pyramids he has found five great masterpieces of Egyptian sculpture and many alabaster vases and other important objects of early Egyptian periods, all of which are now at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

The work in Egypt has been carried on in the winter time. Professor Reisner has spent the past two summers and a part of 1908 in Palestine, digging at Samaria, the ancient Hebrew capital, for the Semitic Museum of the University. There he made two discoveries of greatest importance. One of these, the Palace of Omis and his son, Ahab, gives an entirely new conception of the work of the ancient Hebrew architects. The other consists of a hundred fragments of pottery with inscriptions written in ink, which are the earliest Hebraic inscriptions ever found.

The expenses of this Palestinian work have been borne by Jacob H. Schiff, the founder of the Semitic Museum. The Egyptian work is being carried on this winter at the Pyramid of Zawiet-el-Aryan under C. S. Fisher, a student in the Graduate School in 1908-09, and Oric Bates '05. Efforts are now being made to raise money to continue the work in Palestine.
