
Concerning the University Chorus.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The new University Chorus, which has been meeting Monday nights at 8 in the Fogg Lecture Room under Professor Max Friedlaender, of Berlin University, is perhaps the most practical answer that has yet been given to the question, "How can we get better football songs?" The problem of football songs is one of general musical appreciation, and this has been impossible without some general centre of musical activity open to all who enjoy singing and can give only a little time to it. Professor Friedlaender has consented to organize such a centre, a rather formidable undertaking in a university which is regarded by foreigners as barbarous in its musical taste. But it is believed that nothing prevents the chorus from having the membership of two hundred which it should have except the general lack of information as to what the chorus is and why it exists. Its music consists largely of student songs and folk-tunes and requires no especial ability or training beyond an ordinary ability to read notes. The chorus is to sing at Commencement exercises and other University affairs,

and will also be the logical basis for the organized singing of football songs. It is believed that there is a real demand for such a chorus, and it is certain that it will abundantly repay men for the time given to it
