


The Senior Nominating Committee appointed by the class president has made the nominations printed below for the class officers to be elected on Wednesday. Additional nominations for the offices mentioned below may be made until Monday at 7 P. M., by petitions of 25 eligible voters of the class, and deposited in the box marked "Senior Petitions" in the CRIMSON Office.

Nominations for the office of Secretary and for positions on the Class Committee, the Class Day Committee, and the Photograph Committee will be announced Thursday morning, as such nominations made now necessarily must be incomplete. Additional nominations for the second election, for these positions, may then be made by petition as above until Saturday, December 16, at 7 P. M.

Following is the list of nominations:

Marshals--G. H. Balch, Laramie, Wy.; R. T. Fisher, Newton Centre; H. L. Gaddis, McCune, Kan.; R. S. Potter, Philadelphia, Pa.; L. D. Smith, Chicago, Ill.; A. Strong, New York,. N. Y.; P. R. Withington, Boston.

Treasurer--E. C. Brown, Minneapolis, Minn.; R. F. Duncan, Clinton; R. Lowell, Boston.


Ivy Orator--F. L. Allen, Boston; R. C. Benchley, Worcester.

Poet--J. G. Gilkey, Watertown; T. S. Ross, Jamaica Plain.

Odist--R. H. Britten, Cambridge; G. W. Gray, Houston, Tex.; E. L. McKinney, Albany, N. Y.

Chorister -- C. D. Clifton, Jackson, Miss.; F. R. Hancock, Cambridge; D. N. Tweedy, Danbury, Conn.

Orator--A. D. Brigham, Dorchester; C. B. Randall, Cambridge; R. W. Williams, Baltimore, Md. R. M. BLACKALL. H. T. DEANE P. K. HOUSTON R. STILES W. S. WITMER.

Nominating Committee.

Provisional List of Voters Posted.

The provisional list of voters will be posted in the Union, Leavitt & Peirce's Memorial Hall, Randall Hall, Gore Hall, Sever Hall and in the CRIMSON Office this morning. Every Senior should consult the list to determine that his name is on it. Men whose names are not on the list may petition the Nominating Committee, whose decisions will be final. Petitions must be placed in a box marked "Senior Petitions" in the CRIMSON Office before Monday at 7 P. M.

All men who are candidates for the degrees of A.B. or S.B. in 1912; all men who have received or will receive their degrees as of the class of 1912, and all men who are fourth-year special students will be eligible to vote. But no man who has voted in any previous Class Day election shall be eligible to vote. In addition, men now in the University not included under any of these qualifications, who entered with the class of 1912, and who are not officially registered with the class of 1912 may, on petition, vote. Any man whose name ap- dears on the provisional list who desires to affiliate himself with some other class than 1912 will avoid complications by notifying the committee, otherwise such men will not be eligible to vote at any future Class Day elections.

The election of class officers will take place on Wednesday at the Lodge of the Class of '77 Gate and the election of the Secretary, the Class Committee, the Class Day Committee, and the Photograph Committee, will take place on Monday, December 18
