


The election of Senior class and Class Day officers, with the exception of Secretary, was held yesterday and resulted as follows:

First Marshal--Hugh Lawrence Gaddis, of McCune, Kan.

Second Marshal--Robert Thomas Fisher, of Newton Centre.

Third Marshal -- Lawrence Dunlap Smith, of Chicago, Ill.

Treasurer--Ralph Lowell, of Chestnut Hill.


Ivy Orator--Robert Charles Benchley, of Worcester.

Poet--James Gordon Gilkey, of Watertown.

Odist--George William Gray, of Houston, Tex.

Chorister--Chalmers Dancy Clifton, of Jackson, Miss.

Orator--Robert Wood Williams, of Baltimore, Md.

The election of Marshals was conducted under the following rule.

"Every elector shall vote for three candidates indicating his preference for First Marshal; of the three elected that candidate receiving the highest number of votes for First Marshal shall be declared First Marshal; of the other two elected that one whose total vote is higher shall be Second Marshal, and the other one Third Marshal."

Out of a total of 532 eligible voters who were here yesterday, 360 votes were cast. Of these, three ballots were thrown out for not complying with the election regulations.

The following table shows the number of votes cast for each candidate. MARSHALS.   First Marshal  Total H. L. Gaddis,  146  275 R. T. Fisher,  140  296 L. D. Smith,  13  142 P. R. Withington,  13  122 R. S. Potter,  11  101 G. H. Balch,  20  99 A. Strong,  1  18

TREASURER. R. Lowell,  173 E. C. Brown,  97 R. F. Duncan,  75 IVY ORATOR. R. C. Benchley,  307 F. L. Allen,  45 POET. J. G. Gilkey,  274 T. S. Ross,  83 ODIST. G. W. Gray,  180 E. L. McKinney,  115 R. H. Britten,  52 CHORISTER. C. D. Clifton,  170 F. R. Hancock,  115 D. N. Tweedy,  69 ORATOR. R. W. Williams,  125 A. D. Brigham,  87 C. B. Randall,  75 H. B. Ehrmann,  63

Class Day Committees Nominated.

Balloting for Class Secretary, members of the Class Committee, the Class Day Committee, and the Photograph Committee, will take place in the Lodge of the Class of '77 Gate on Monday. At a meeting of the Nominating Committee held last evening the following list of nominees was drawn up:

Secretary--F. D. Huntington, Lexington; R. B. Wigglesworth, Milton.

Class Committee--Y. Arai, Riverside, Conn.; G. H. Balch, Laramie, Wy.; R. S. Potter, Philadelphia, Pa.; P. R. Withington, Boston.

Class Day Committee--E. C. Brown, Minneapolis, Minn.; T. J. Campbell, Gardner; H. de Windt, Winnetka, Ill.; R. F. Duncan, Clinton; J. Elliott, New York, N. Y.; F. C. Gray, Chestnut Hill; H. L. Groves, Coudersport, Pa.; D. P. Ranney, Boston; T. S. Ross, Jamaica Plain.

Photograph Committee--W. H. Fernald, Waverley; F. Gooding, Portsmouth, N. H.; O. W. Haussermann, Evansville, Ind.; J. B. Munn, New York, N. Y.; J. R. Sibley, Rochester, N. Y.

Additional nominations may be made on petition signed by 25 eligible voters of the class. Such nominations must be placed in the box in the CRIMSON Office before 7 o'clock tomorrow evening, instead of on Saturday as was previously announced. This change was made in order to allow the final list of nominations to be published in the CRIMSON on Saturday as well as on Monday. Nominating Committee.

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