
Craig-Dramatic Prize Awarded

The Craig Prize in dramatic Composition, amounting to $250, has been awarded to Miss Florence Agnes Lincoln, of Charlestown, a special student in Radcliffe College, for her three-act play, "The End of the Bridge".

This prize is open to undergraduates of Harvard College and of Radeliffe College, and, under limitations, to graduates of both. In addition to the prize of $250, Mr. John Craig, lessee and manager of the castle Square Theatre, gives a promise to stage the play for a week, within one year of its acceptance. If Mr., Craig decided to continue the run he will pay a royalty to the successful author for every week after the first. Plays are judged by the standard of fitness for actual dramatic production.

The committee on selection was composed of Mr. John Craig, Professor G. P. Baker '87, and Mr. H. B. Stanton '00.
