
University Crew Order Changed Again

Cutler was again at stroke in the University crew in the practice yesterday afternoon. The only change from the old order being that Bacon rowed 7 and Waid 5. Metcalf went back to 3 again, after being tried yesterday at 7. In this order the eight rowed up-stream in easy stretches to the head of the long straight-away above the Stillman Infirmary. The work of the crew proved the most satisfactory of the week. The shell boat was steadier and spaced out a greater distance than under the changed order of the two preceding days. With Cutler at stroke the men individually seemed to use their strength to greater advantage, employing a longer stroke than with Sargent.

Before going out for the practice in the regular shell, the crew launched the new English boat for a short paddle. Owing to the fact that this boat is trimmed one inch farther aft than the old shell, it floated the eight somewhat higher and did not settle quite so far at the end of the stroke. The order of the day was: stroke, Cutler; 7, Bacon; 6, Newton; 5, Waid; 4, Withington; 3, Metcalf; 2, Sargent; bow, Whitney; cox., King.

After the University practice, the three University fours raced over the mile and seven-eighths course in the Basin. Crew B, stroked by Waite, won over crew A, stroked by Forster, by about two lengths and a half. The third four finished about seven lengths behind the winner. The second crew led from the start, averaging 34 strokes to the minute over a greater part of the course, but finishing with a 36 stroke.

The orders:

Crew A: stroke, Forster; 3, Balch; 2, Hooper; bow, Wiggins; cox., Voorhees. Crew B: stroke, Waite; 3, Smith; 2, Strong; bow, Loring; cox., Kempton. Crew C: stroke, Trumbull; 3, Hoar; 2, Peabody; bow, Anderson; cox., Strauss.
