
Change in Order of Freshman Crew

The Freshman crew received a big shake-up yesterday, when it practiced for the first time since Monday. Many of the changes are likely to be permanent. Meyer, formerly bow, went in at 7, while Moffat went back to 5, the latter replacing Keays, who went in to the second boat. Parmenter also was moved from the first eight to the second, Cutler, formerly at 2, taking his place at 3. Davis from the second crew went in at 2, and Parker, bow in the second, took the same position in the first boat.

In the short paddle taken by the crew, Meyer appeared to swing well with his stroke, and Moffat seemed effective at 5, where he can use his long reach to advantage. Yesterday's bow combination proved smoother and more effective than the former arrangement.

The order was as follows: stroke, Goodale; 7, Meyer; 6, Stratton; 5, Moffat; 4, Lincoln; 3, Cutler; 2, Davis; bow, Parker; cox., Abeles.

Second University Eight in Four-Oars.

After the Freshman crew had returned from practice, the second University eight was split up into four-oars. Many different combinations were tried out in front of the Newell boathouse.


The orders of the two crews today will be as follows:

First crew.--Stroke, Forster; 3, Metcalf; 2, Hooper; bow, Waite; cox., Voorhees.

Second crew.--Stroke, Smith; 3, Loring; 2, Strong; bow, Wiggins; cox., Kempton.

Postponed Wherry Race at 12.

The race for wherries, which was postponed, will be rowed over the long stretch above the Stillman Infirmary at 12 o'clock.
