
Senior Class Notices

Second Sale of Spread Tickets Today.

The second sale of tickets for the Senior Spread, on June 23, will be held from 1.30 to 2.30 o'clock today, from the windows of Holworthy 17. The price of tickets is $2.50 each. The final sale will be on Friday at the same hour. Invitations will be given out to men who have purchased tickets either at this sale or before. The dance orders have also arrived and will be distributed at the sales today and on Friday.

Box lists should be sent to R. L. Groves, Holworthy 8, this week. These lists should contain the names both of undergraduates and of guests, as the printed lists of box occupants will be made up from them. Each box will accommodate 10 or more persons; adjoining boxes will be given to larger groups. CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.

Tickets for Stadium on Sale Friday.

There will be a sale of Stadium tickets, to Seniors only, in the Lodge at the Class of '77 Gate, on Friday, June 17, from 2 until 4 o'clock. The price of the tickets will be 75 cents.   CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
