
M. I. T. Won from Second 1911 Crew

The Technology crew defeated the second Junior crew by five lengths in a slow race held over the one and seven-eighths mile course in the Basin yesterday afternoon. The Junior crew got a poor start and Technology began to draw slowly away. Owing to the rough water, both crews rowed a low stroke throughout the race, the Juniors averaging from twenty-eight to thirty strokes to the minute and Technology somewhat lower. At the Harvard Bridge Technology was about two lengths ahead, and although displaying less finish than the Junior eight, got in well and showed good leg drive. After they passed the bridge the water became rougher and both crews were compelled to lower the stroke. Here Technology's superior weight told, and although the Juniors were rowing in much better form, the former began to draw away faster. Towards the end of the race both crews let down somewhat, and finished easily with four lengths of open water between them.

The orders of the crews were:

Second Junior crew.-Stroke, Beal; 7, Harding; 6, Borst; 5, Kean; 4, Hopkins; 3, Hobart; 2, Hunewell; bow, Parkman; cox., Cox.

Technology crew.-Stroke, Gere; 7, Herreschoff; 6, Gott; 5, Robertson; 4, Whittesley; 3, Ruby; 2, Ahlers; bow, Upham; cox., Wettingill.
