
Freshman Baseball with St. Mark's

The Freshman baseball team will play the third regular game of the season against St. Mark's at Southboro, this afternoon at 2.45 o'clock. The Freshman nine although defeated by Andover last Thursday has been improving steadily. St. Mark's however is well developed and with Smith, the first string pitcher in the box, ought to put up a strong game. The line-ups are as follows: HARVARD 1913.  ST. MARK'S. Booth, c.f.  l.f., Halcomb Coon, l.f.  c.f., Chatfield Tomes, 3b.  s.s., Stevens Lowrey, s.s.  c., Mr. Bundy Watson, 1b.  3b., Taylor Hollister, r.f.  1b., Bliss Brown, 2b.  p., Smith Graves, c.  2b., Ervin Bartholf, p.  r.f., Cunningham
