

More Men Needed for 1913 Track Team.

[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.]

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The need of candidates for the 1913 track team has become so very urgent that we are taking this opportunity to impress upon the Freshman class the fact that only about three weeks remain before the dual meet with Yale.

Such being the case it is absolutely essential that all men able to run, or those who are willing to see whether they are able to run, should report at once to either Coaches Donovan or Quinn at the Stadium. Morning hours, between 10 and 12.30, are preferable; for then the coaches will be able to give the men more individual attention.

The class of 1913 has an excellent chance of winning from Yale if thirty new men of any ability whatsoever will work faithfully for the team from now on. Out of a class of approximately 700 men there ought to be at least thirty who are willing to try their best to help pull the class out of the condition it is now in. C. C. LITTLE '10.   H. P. LAWLESS '13.
