
International Track Meet in Stadium

The Cosmopolitan Club has sent out a challenge for an international track meet to be held in the Stadium, next Tuesday at 3 o'clock, to the Cercle Francais, the Deutscher Verein, the Sociedad Espanola, the Circolo Italiano, the Canadian Club, the Japanese Club, the Chinese Club, and all other foreigners in the University. A banner will be offered to the winning organization.

The events will include a 100 and 220-yard dash, a quarter-mile relay race, shot-put, broad jump, high jump, 3-legged race, and other alien specialties. There will also be an obstacle race all over the Stadium.

There will be a meeting of delegates from all the challenged clubs in the rooms of the Cosmopolitan Club, Holyoke House 7 and 8, Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock, in order to discuss the plans and specialties of the meet.

Entry blue-books will be placed in Leavitt & Peirce's immediately after the meeting Friday, and entries may be made there until 12 o'clock Tuesday. Entries by post-card will also be accepted by J. S. Reed '10, 35 Bow street.

Admission to the meet is open to holders of H. A. A. tickets or of library cards.
