

Improvement Shown in Work of University and Freshman Crews.

During the past two days the University and Freshman crews have had fairly light work in preparation for the races with Cornell on Monday, and from now on the work will be very light. Last Monday the University eight rowed down into the Basin and back, Coach Wray paying special attention to the finish, which was poor, as the men cut short the swing and did not get their blades out clean, and were slow on the first part of the recovery. Yesterday the crew showed much improvement in this respect, but still the work was not consistent, especially in rough water. From now on racing starts will be tried daily, and the work throughout will be quickened up to a two-mile race pace.

The Freshman eight has had practically the same work as the University crew. At present Warren, who has been rowing bow, is out of the boat with rheumatism, and Parker, Roosevelt, and Morgan from the second eight have been tried in his place, although he will probably return today. Since the class races the crew has shown a consistent improvement and is far advanced for a Freshman eight. The second University crew, which won both its races at Philadelphia last Saturday, will resume rowing today after two days rest. The eight will remain intact till after the Cornell race anyway and will probably not be split up into fours till a few days before the squad departs for New London.
