
Second 1913 Crew Defeated by Groton

The Freshman second crew was defeated by Groton by a quarter of a length over a mile course on the Nashua River, Saturday afternoon. The race was very close and at no time did either crew have a distinct advantage. The Freshmen caught the water first, and for 300 yards held a slight lead. Here Groton gained and at the half-mile had taken the lead. During the rest of the race, the positions remained practically unchanged.

The Freshmen rowed a higher stroke than Groton, but lacked drive at the finish; they were also handicapped by being unaccustomed to the course.

The orders:

Freshman second: stroke, Eckfeldt; 7, Roosevelt; 6, Chadwick; 5, S. Handy; 4, Weston; 3, Morgan; 2, Sullivan; bow, Parker; cox., Brownlee.

Gtroton: stroke, Curtis; 7, McHenry; 6, Paine; 5, Morgan; 4, Gardiner; 3, Coe; 2, Rogers; bow, Low; cox., Roosevelt.
