
Freshman Concert in Brattle Hall

The Freshman Musical Clubs will give their annual concert in Brattle Hall this evening at 8 o'clock. Tickets, at $1 each, may be obtained at the Rendezvous, at Claverly 26, and at the door. The concert will be followed by informal dancing.

The program will be as follows: 1.  Comic Opera Gems,  Mandolin Club 2.  Knocked 'em in the Old Kent Road,  Glee Club 3.  Onion Rag,  Banjo Club 4.  Ciribiribin,  Mandolin Club 5.  Little Cotton Dolly,  Glee Club 6.  Harvardiana,  Banjo Club 7.  Sword of Ferrara,  Glee Club 8.  Second Conneticut March,  Mandolin Club 9.  Fair Harvard,  Glee Club
