
Trials for Tennis Team Begin Today

The trials for the University tennis team will begin today on Jarvis Field at 4 o'clock. Ten courts will be reserved at that time. Matches have been arranged as follows: G. C. Adams '10 vs. H. Nickerson '11, W. B. Fraser-Campbell '11 vs. C. S. Cutting '12, E. L. Beard, Jr., '10 vs. F. F. A. Pearson '11, L. I. Grinnell '12 vs. A. M. Hyde '12, J. H. Pettus '12 vs. G. D. Howie '11, R. J. Eaton '12 vs. P. K. Houston '12, J. R. Tunis '11 vs. P. T. Large, Jr., '10, E. W. Ellis '11 vs. W. S. Seamans, Jr., '11, L. M. Miller '11 vs. T. B. Townsend, Jr., '10, E. M. Ach '11 vs. J. A. Simpson '12, F. DeH. Houston '10 vs. F. S. Blanchard '10.
