
Class Race to be Rowed on Thursday

On Thursday the class crew races will be held over the mile and seven-eights course in the Basin at 4.30 o'clock. During the last two weeks all three upperclass crews have had a fairly permanent order, and, with the possible exception of the Sophomores, have shown a consistent improvement. The Senior eight has been able to defeat the Sophomore crew on all occasions when Coach Brown has given the two crews a tryout, with the exception of last Saturday, when the Sophomore crew held the lead it was given at the start throughout the race. Yesterday the Sophomore crew lost Barnes, who has been rowing 7, and the crew was defeated by five lengths in a mile race by both the second and third Freshman crews. The Senior crew is made up of heavy men and there is plenty of power in the boat, but at present the crew is rowing short and finds it hard to maintain a high stroke.

The Junior crew, under Coach Stephenson, has shown a slight improvement during the past week, but yesterday was easily defeated by the second University eight by six lengths of open water after being given a start of one length. The second University crew stopped at Fairfield street, while the Junior went on to the end of the Basin. After the first minute of rowing the Junior crew went to pieces. The eight is trying to acquire a long, hard finish, with an easy recovery. The Freshman crew is well developed for this time in the season, and should win the race without a doubt. The crew is much longer in the water than the upperclass crews, and is especially fortunate in Goodale at stroke, who is able to drive the men.
