
Program for Pierian Concert

The program of the annual spring concert of the Pierian Sodality, to be held in Sanders Theatre next Wednesday, is given below. Tickets, at $1.50, $1, and 50 cents, may be had at Herrick's, in Boston, and at both branches of the Co- operative Society, and at Kent's, in Cambridge; also from A. T. Shohl '10, Thayer 56. The tickets at 50 cents are only for undergraduates.

Gluck.--Overture: "Iphigenia in Aulis."

Shubert.--Symphony in B-minor (unfinished). I. Allegro moderato. II. Andante con moto.

Pianoforte solos.--I. Brahms: Ballade in G-minor. II. Max Reger: "Aus Meinem Tagebuch," number 3 and number 4.

Armas Jaernefelt.--"Berceuse."


C. B. Roepper '10.--Scherzo.
