
Competitions for Boylston Prizes

All men who intend to compete for the Boylston prizes in elocution, must enter their names with Professor L. B. R. Briggs '75, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, today or tomorrow. The prizes, consisting of two first prizes of $60 each, and three second prizes of $45 each, will be awarded by the Corporation and others selected by them as judges, at a public competition to be held on Thursday, May 12. Students will not speak their own compositions, but selections from English, Greek, or Latin authors which must be approved by the Boylston Professor.

It must be clearly understood that no one is eligible for the prizes unless officially registered as a Senior or a Junior. This means that no man who is socially a Senior or a Junior, but who is either registered in any professional or graduate schools, or, on account of an entrance condition, as a Sophomore, will be allowed to compete.
