
Close University-1913 Crew Race

The University crew defeated the Freshman eight by one length, Saturday afternoon over the one and seven-eights mile course in the Basin.

The race started with both boats even at Longwood Bridge, with the University eight rowing 38 and the Freshmen 40 strokes to the minute. At Harvard Bridge the University crew was three-quarters of a length ahead; just before the finish the Freshman boat gained half a length on a spurt, but lost this again at the very end.

The orders:

University crew.--Stroke, Cutler; 7, Waid; 6, Newton; 5, Bacon; 4, Hooper; 3, Balch; 2, Sargent; bow, Whitney; cox., Voorhees.

Freshman crew.--Stroke, Goodale; 7, Moffat; 6, Cutler; 5, Keays; 4, Lincoln; 3, Nelson; 2, Stratton; bow, Meyer; cox., Abeles.
