
Sophomores vs. Freshmen in Lacresse

The Sophomores and Freshmen will play the second game of the interclass lacrosse championship on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 4.45 o'clock. The winning team will play the Seniors on Wednesday for the championship. The line-ups this afternoon will be: 1912.  1913. Parker, p.  i.h., Forbush Hale, c.p.  o.h., Jaretzki Kingman, ld.  la., Bail Earle, 2d.  2a., Brock Johnson, 3d.  3a., Couch Roberts, c.  c., Gammans Gustafson, 3a.  3d., White Bernard, 2a.  2d., Porter See, 1a.  1d., Noble Candee, o.h.  c.p., Conant Blackett, i.h.  p., Drucker Arnold, g.  g., Halle
