
Meeting of Rules Committee Today

The Intercollegiate Football Rules Committee will meet today at the Murray Hill Hotel, New York, to decide definitely the changes in the rules governing intercollegiate football which were suggested at the last meeting. Harvard University will be represented by Crawford Blagden '02. The members of the Committee are: L. M. Dennis, Cornell, chairman: E. K. Hall, Dartmouth, secretary: W. Camp, Yale; C. Blagden '02, Harvard: J. C. Bell, Pennsylvania: P. Davis, Princeton: P. Dashiel, Annapolis: H. B. Hackett, West Point: A. A. Stagg, Chicago: H. L. Williams, Minnesota: W. A. Lambeth, Virginia: W. L. Dudley, Vanderbilt: J. A. Babbitt, Haverford.
