

J. A. McLaughlin '11 Fencing Champion.--Interesting Wrestling Bouts.

The second annual indoor athletic meet held last night in the Gymnasium proved a great success. In the fencing championship an extra period was necessary, the judges being unable to agree after the first bout. Between the events, cups which had been won by members of the University in meets this year, were presented by Mr. Garcelon.

The summary:

Heavyweight championship--Won by L. B. Parks 1L.; second, H. K. Bush '11. Time 11 minutes.

158-pound wrestling -- Won by C. F. Cist 1L. Time 3 minutes, 12 seconds.

145-pound wrestling--Won by R. I. Case '11. Time 3 minutes.


135-pound wrestling--Won by R. I. Case '11. Time 4 minutes, 30 seconds.

115-pound wrestling--Won by H. W. Bradley '12. Time 2 minutes, 25 seconds.

Exhibition wrestling--C. F. Cist 1L. defeated R. M. Page '10. Time 14 minutes.

Fencing championship--Won by J. A. McLaughlin '11; second, W. Hunt '11.

Exhibition of dueling sword work--Won by J. A. McLaughlin '11; second, T. H. Bliss '11.

Exhibition on horizontal bar--University gymnastic team: H. V. Coryell '11, G. F. Evans 2G., C. Mashima '12, A. P. Parsons '10.

Exhibition on parallel bars--University gymnastic team: G. F. Evans 2G., H. R. Rafsky '10, N. S. Stern '12, R. B. Whitelaw '11, S. Wolfman '11.

Exhibition in tumbling -- University team: E. N. Cleaves '11, H. V. Coryell '11, N. S. Stern '12, E. S. Wolston '10.

Exhibition in rings--University team: G. F. Evans 2G., C. Mashima '12, H. R. Rafsky '10, R. B. Whitelaw '11, S. Wolfman '11.
