

In Living Room of Union at 8 o'clock on "The Making of a Gentleman."

Mr. F. Hopkinson Smith will speak on "The Making of a Gentleman" in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 8 o'clock. The lecture will be open to members of the Union only.

Mr. Smith first worked as a clerk in some iron works; and was later educated as a mechanical engineer. He constructed the government sea-wall around Governor's Island in New York Harbor, and another at Tompkinsville, Staten Island. However, Mr. Smith later gave up engineering for painting. He has done much landscape work in water colors and has lectured on art subjects. In 1900, he was made Commander of the Order of the Osmanyeh by the Sultan of Turkey. In the following year, he was awarded a bronze medal at the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, and, in 1902, he received a gold medal from the Philadelphia Art Club. Yale University awarded him the degree of L.H.D. in 1907. Mr. Smith is perhaps best known as an author.
