

Harvard, Yale, and Princeton to Discuss Value of Federal Income Tax.

This evening at 8 o'clock, Harvard, Yale, and Princeton will compete in a triangular debate. Harvard will meet Princeton in Sanders Theatre, and Yale in Woolsey Hall, New Haven. Yale will meet Princeton in Alexander Hall, Princeton. The subject for all three debates will be "Resolved, That the Federal Government should have the power to impose an income tax, not apportioned among the states according to population." Harvard will argue the negative in the debate with Princeton and the affirmative in the debate with Yale. The university returning two winning teams will win the debate.

Admission will be by tickets which may be obtained at Hollis 20 from 2 to 4 o'clock today, at Memorial Hall during meals hours, and at the Sanders Theatre office before the debate. They will also be on sale today at both Co-operative stores, at Herrick's and the Adams House until the time of the debate. The price will be 25 cents. There will be no reserved seats, but tickets will admit only to sections indicated. The doors of Sanders Theatre will be opened at 7.30 o'clock.

In the debate here the University will be represented by H. H. Breland '11, J. DeM. Ellis 2L., and H. M. Potter '10, who will speak in the order named. In rebuttal the order will be Ellis, Breland and Potter. The Princeton debaters will be P. S. Watters '10, S. A. Hunter '10 and C. Belknap '12. Each speaker will be allowed twelve minutes for a main speech in which to present his argument, and five minutes for rebuttal. Dean B. S. Hurlbut will preside at the debate and the judges have been selected as follows: Professor F. J. Goodnow of Columbia; Professor J. W. Crook of Amherst; and Professor W. F. Willcox of Cornell. While the judges are reaching a decision at the close of the debate, the University Glee Club will sing. Immediately after the debate, the University Debating Council will give a banquet in the Union, to which both teams, the Presiding Officer and Judges, the ushers, and some members of the faculty have been invited. Several of the latter will speak.

University Team at New Haven.

At New Haven the University will be represented by H. B. Ehrmann '12, T. M. Gregory '10, and E. R. Burke 2L., who will meet F. R. Serri '11, S. E. Keeler '10, and L. T. Bates '10S., of Yale. In rebuttal the Harvard order will remain as above. The judges at the debate will be President Luther of Trinity College, Professor Seager of Columbia, and Mr. Townsend Scudder of New York.


Yale vs. Princeton at Princeton.

At 8 o'clock in Alexander Hall, Princeton, H. DoF. Widger '10, M. A. Plumb '12, D.S., and H. F. Bishop '10, L.S., of Yale, will meet M. M. McDermott '10, E. R. Whittingham '12, and J. Herrmann '10, of Princeton. Professor Stockton Axson of Princeton will preside at the debate, and the judges have been selected as follows: Professor O. M. W. Sprague of Harvard; Mr. Talcott Will. liams of Philadelphia; and Mr. Horatio C. King of Brooklyn.

Development of Harvard Teams.

Of the team that will represent the University in the debate with Yale, two are undergraduates, and of this team, H. B. Ehrmann '12 is the only man who has not before had experience on a college team. Of the two undergraduates on the team which will meet Princeton H. M. Potter '10 has had some experience in collegiate debating, while H. H. Breland '11 has not been on a college team before; J. DeM. Ellis 2L., the other speaker, has taken part in five intercollegiate debates. When the trials were completed and the men picked on February 22, they began their development by having debates with each other; on March 9, the teams were definitely selected and debates were then held on different nights with a practice team composed of the three alternates. The last practice debate was held in Sanders Theatre Saturday night. The strength of the two teams cannot be compar5ed as they argue opposite sides of the subject, but both are above the average of University teams in late years. Judge A. P. Stone '93, head coach, and assistant coach, E. R. Lewis '08 have had charge of the men.

Harvard Speakers Against Princeton.

Homer Hargrove Breland '11, of Meridian, Miss., who will speak first against Princeton, graduated from Meridian Male College, were he took part in several inter-society debates. He has never before debated at Harvard.

John DeMoss Ellis 2L., of Newport, Ky., the second speaker, prepared at Bellevue High School. In 1907, he graduated from the University of Cincinnati where Le was for three years on the debating team; the next year he was on the debating team of the George Washington Law School, and in 1909 he again made the University of Cincinnati debating tea, while studying for an A.M. degree. He has been awarded the Jones Oratorical Prize and four debating medals by the University of Cincinnati, and one medal by the George Washington Law School.

Hugh Morris Potter '10, of Gainesville, Texas, the third speaker, prepared at Gainesville, High School for the University of Texas, where he graduated in 1908. During his school and college careers he was active in debating and oratorical work. He did not take up debating at Harvard until last winter, when he was awarded the Coolidge Prize in the trials for the team.

The Princeton Debating Team.

Philip Sidney Watters '10, of Yonkers, N. Y., who will open the debate for Princeton, prepared for college at Kingston Academy, N. Y. In his Sophomore year he was a member of the Cleo team in the inter-hall debate, and won the debating prize in his hall; he was also an alternate against Harvard. Last year he won the 1876 prize debate, and was on the university team. This winter he was awarded the Lynde Debating Prize.
