
Entries for Indoor Winter Meet

The second annual indoor meet of the Harvard Athletic Association will be held in the Hemenway Gymnasium next Wednesday evening, March 23. The meet is held in order to arouse interest in the indoor minor sports, and is open to all members of the University without charge.

The events will consist of the University wrestling championships, College fencing championships, and an exhibition by the University gymnastic team. The wrestling is open to all members of the University and will be contested in the following five classes: 115-pounds, 135-pounds, 145-pounds, 158-pounds, and heavyweight. The fencing will be open only to those men who are eligible for the University and the Freshman teams. Cups will be awarded in each class of the wrestling and to the winner of the fencing tournament. The entries for these events should be made before 1 o'clock, Saturday, in the Wrestling and Fencing Rooms of the Gymnasium.

Other Cups to be Awarded.

In connection with the meet the prizes for the following events will be awarded: fall and Freshman track meets, fall tennis tournament, interclass basketball series, scrub hockey series, and the winter track carnival.
