

We are not aware that the enrollment by states and countries has ever been prepared in just the form that we publish it today. As an indication of the comparative value which the country as a whole places upon the training offered in Harvard's various departments, these figures are very interesting. It is a little surprising to find that Harvard is considered by most people, not as a unit but as a group of allied schools, and that the comparative merits of these schools are so generally and so accurately known.

The highly developed system of case instruction for which the Law School is justly famous makes that department superior to rigorous entrance conditions and to the high standards which are maintained. The national character of the School, achieved by merit alone, is proof that location far from the geographical centre of the country is no bar to students who are desirous of the best educational advantages.

The extraordinary rise of new colleges and universities throughout the west, many of them enjoying state support, has naturally prevented any large increase of patronage from that section in the older eastern institutions. If Harvard as a whole is to strengthen her hold on all parts of the country, and to draw more students from foreign lands, she must keep a little ahead of her competitors. For the existence of a friendly competition among the "societies of scholars" is not to be deplored and to be at the head is an honor not to be despised.
