

1911 Applications for Rooms in Thayer Will Close Next Tuesday.

The number of applications for rooms in the Senior dormitories is greatly in excess of the rooms available in Hollis, Holworthy, and Stoughton. Because of this the question of making substantial improvements in the north and middle entries of Thayer Hall in order to bring them up to the standard of the other Senior dormitories will be considered by the Corporation at its meeting next Monday. As some of the applications are based on the expectation of improvements, the final allotment of rooms in the middle and north entries of Thayer Hall will be delayed until next Tuesday, when all applications are due. Applicants for these rooms who are now occupying rooms in College dormitories, which they would re-engage if unsuccessful in the Thayer allotment, will be allowed to defer their decision until next Wednesday, when the result of the drawing will be known. This exception is exclusively for the benefit of Juniors who have applied for rooms in Senior dormitories and for men now rooming in Thayer Hall who may relinquish their rooms in favor of Senior applicants. For all other occupants of College rooms wishing to re-engage their rooms, the requirement of notice on or before next Monday will be strictly enforced.

The Senior Dormitory Committee will have hours Monday afternoon in the Phillips Brooks House and will answer any questions. Also, Tuesday's CRIMSON will contain the decision of the Corporation. The applications will be by rooms. The largest application which will be allowed is for four rooms, accommodating eight men. It will be to the advantage of the different groups to make all arrangements for applying before Monday, so that they will not be pressed for time at the very last moment.

Rooms to be Signed for by 1.

It is absolutely necessary that the men who were allotted rooms in Hollis, Stoughton and Holworthy sign for their rooms in person at the Phillips Brooks House before 1 o'clock today. There will be a member of the committee in attendance all morning. Every room that is not signed for at 1 o'clock will be allotted to one of the unsuccessful applicants. It is therefore to the interest of each man to sign at once, as no excuses will be received nor any exceptions made.
