

Members of the University Urged to Contribute to New Gymnasium.

The Cambridge Young Men's Christian Association has recently conducted a successful canvass for subscriptions for the extension of its building on Massachusetts avenue. Professors and other officers of the University taking part in this subscription, merely as individuals living in Cambridge, contributed the sum of $3,290. A committee has accordingly been organized among members of the Faculty, and has issued the following appeal:

"The undersigned earnestly commend to the members of Harvard University the building enterprise of the Cambridge Young Men's Christian Association. We believe that a substantial contribution from them would be a desirable method of expressing the University's interest in the educational and civic work which the Association is doing for the people of Cambridge.

"The authorities of the Association have expressed a desire to commemorate the participation of members of the University in this undertaking by associating their gifts with the new building in some permanent way. It is understood that the swimming-tank, already included in the plans, with its artesian well and other accessories, would be very acceptable to the Building Committee as the gift of Harvard men, and it is known that this feature of the new building is eagerly desired by the young men and boys of Cambridge. The total cost of this equipment is estimated at $10,000. The undersigned therefore recommend this sum as the amount which members of the University should try to raise as Harvard's contribution to the building fund.

"Members of the University may send subscriptions to the Treasurer, Mr. H. T. Waller, 826 Massachusetts avenue, or may leave them at the office of the Cambridge Trust Company, which has kindly consented to receive subscriptions." J. H. ROPES '89, chairman.   C. A. ADAMS.   J. H. BEALE '82.   T. N. CARVER.   E. F. GAY.   J. D. GREENE '96.   P. H. HANUS.   A. B. HART '80.   F. L. KENNEDY '92.   G. L. KITTREDGE '82.   G. H. PALMER '64.   T. W. RICHARDS '86.   H. W. SMYTH '78.
