
University Debating Teams Chosen

At the final trials for the University debating teams to represent Harvard in the triangular debate with Yale and Princeton on March 21, held Monday night, the following nine men were retained, six to compose the two teams, and three to serve as substitutes: H. H. Breeland '12, E. R. Burke 2L., H. Ehrmann '12, J. deM. Ellis 2L., T. M. Gregory '10, H. M. Potter '10; substitutes--C.S. Collier '11, C. B. Randall '12, F. Stern '12. The judges were: S. Curtis '05, A. H. Elder '07, R. W. Kelso '04, E. R. Lewis '08, A. P. Stone '93.

The subject on which the contestants spoke was the one for the triangular debate: "Resolved, That the federal government should have power to impose an income tax not apportioned among the states according to population." Each of the twelve men retained from the second trial spoke ten minutes, and was given five minutes for rebuttal.

In the debate on March 21 each university will uphold the negative side of the question at home. Harvard will meet Princeton in Cambridge, while its affirmative team will debate with Yale at New Haven.
