

Applications in Groups, Not Larger Than 14, Due on Next Wednesday.

Applications for rooms in Hollis, Holworthy and Stoughton, by members of next year's Senior class are due on or before Wednesday next, February 23--which applications should be sent to the "1911 Senior Dormitory Committee, Phillips Brooks House."

The assignment is to be by lot, in which preference will be accorded to larger units, up to fourteen--the capacity of the smallest entries. The rooms available next year in Hollis, Holworthy and Stoughton are as follows:

Hollis.--South entry, 14 rooms; north entry, 16 rooms.

Holworthy.--West entry, 8 rooms, middle entry, 7 rooms; east entry, 7 rooms.

Stoughton.--South entry, 13 rooms; north entry, 15 rooms.


These rooms will each accommodate two men. The largest group, or so-called entry application for seven rooms, will therefore include fourteen names; and in every case, whether the application be for one room or for several, that plan by which two men occupy a room, will take precedence over a one man arrangement. The best groups will thus contain an even number of names.

It is desirable that one man act as captain for each group of four or more. This captain will send the application to the committee in a sealed envelope containing the signatures of his group. On the outside of the sealed envelope some fictitious name is to be written in order to distinguish it. There shall further be written on the outside of the sealed envelope, the number of names therein contained; and the order of preference, not of rooms, but of entries in which they desire to have the group assigned. If a man's name appears in more than one application, each such application will be thrown out. The sealed application shall be enclosed in another envelope and addressed to the committee. It must be understood that each man, in making his application, pledges himself to abide by the result of the allotment. Of course, where a very limited number of preferences is specified and all of these previously allotted, no assignment will be made. A large number of preferences is therefore most desirable.

Should any applications remain unfilled, a second allotment will be held before the twenty-eighth of the month, by which these will be accommodated in one or more of the entries of Thayer Hall.

Office Hours of Committee.

The committee is composed of E. Harding, chairman, A. Beane, W. S. Jackson, S. C. Simons, P. D. Smith and S. B. Steel. It will have office hours daily in Phillips Brooks House, from 9 to 1. Those desiring blanks, maps or further information can call during these hours.
