
First Production of "The Witch"

"The Witch," a tragedy written by H. Wiers-Jenssen, a Norwegian, and adapted for the American stage by H. Hagedorn, Jr., '07, of the English Department, was given for the first time yesterday evening at the New Theatre in New York. Joan, the leading role, was taken by Mme. Bertha Kalich.

The scene of "The Witch" is laid in Salem in the year 1692. Joan, a young Portuguese woman comes to Salem and marries Absalom Hawthorn, an avowed witch-hater. She soon finds that she really loves, not Absalom, but his grown-up son, Gabriel. Joan knowing that her own mother possessed supernatural power decides to see if she has inherited it, and wills Absalom dead. He dies immediately, falling at her feet. His old mother Goodwife Abigail, suspects witchery and demands that Joan take the "test of touching." In this test she breaks down and admits that she is a witch. The audience is left to infer that she is hanged.

The play will be repeated tonight and tomorrow afternoon and evening.
