

Nine Representatives Elected,--Rules for Class Elections Announced.

At a meeting of the Senior class held in Lower Massachusetts last evening the constitution of the new Student Council was ratified by a vote of 87 to 29. The following nine men were elected to the Council: A. Sweetser, S. B. Steel, A. Beane, H. Jaques, Jr., R. C. Floyd, G. R. Harding, P. D. Smith, R. Hornblower, J. G. B. Perkins.

It was also voted that the president should appoint a committee to make arrangements for the class buttons and a committee of five to make the nominations for Class Day officers.

The schedule of elections as drawn up is as follows:

Friday, December 9.--List of nominations and voters posted.

Monday, December 12.--Time for petitions for additions to voters' list closes at 7 P. M.


Monday, December 12.--Time for additional nominations for class officers closes at 7 P. M.

Wednesday, December 14.--Voting for class officers in the Lodge at the Class of '77 Gate.

Saturday, December 17.--Time for additional nominations for Class Day Committees and Secretary closes at 7 P. M.

Monday, December 19.--Voting for Class Day Committees and Secretary in the Lodge at the Class of '77 Gate.

Election Regulations.

The rules for election are as follows:

1. There shall be no election of a President or a Vice-President, but the First Marshal shall act as the Class President, and the Second Marshal as the Vice-President until Class Day, and the permanent Secretary as Class Secretary.

2. The Australian ballot system shall be used.

3. The officers, namely: Marshals, Treasurer, Orator, Ivy Orator, Poet, Odist, and Chorister, shall be elected on Wednesday, December 14, and the committees and Secretary on Monday, December 19.

4. The polls shall be open from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. each election day in the Lodge at the Class of '77 Gate.
