
Arrangements at Randall Hall

As Memorial Hall will be closed during the Christmas recess, the privileges of Randall Hall will be extended to all members of the University during that period without payment of the usual fee. In addition to the customary plan in use at Randall Hall of serving meals only a la carte, board will be offered on the American plan for two periods, one of five days, from December 23 to 27 inclusive, and one of six days, from December 28 to January 2, inclusive. A charge of $3.75 will be made for the first and of $4.50 for the second period. Meals will also be served to transients at the following rates: breakfast, 30 cents; lunch, 35 cents; dinner, 40 cents. Those men who wish to board according to the American plan may register today at the Auditor's desk in either Memorial or Randall Hall, or after today in Randall Hall.
