
Provisional Order of Mid-Year Exams

The dates provisionally fixed for mid-year examinations are given below. Daily exercises in all courses end for the first half-year on January 25, at 4.30 P. M. Thursday, January 26. (I) Greek E hf  Music 10 Greek 3 hf  Physics 2 hf Greek 7 hf  Physics 5 Music 9 Friday, January 27. (XII) Architecture 2b  Government 4 Architecture 3c  Government 7 Architecture 3d  Greek B II Astronomy E  History 7a Astronomy 2  History 34 Chemistry 12  Italian 1 Class. Archaeol, 1a  Italian 10 Comp. Lit. 14  Mathematics C Economics 1  Mathematics F II Economics 4  Mathematics 17 Economics 30  Metallurgy 11 Education 3a  Mineralogy 12 Engineering 8a  Philosophy 9 Engineering 16n  Physics 15 French 1b I, II, III  Scandinavian 2 French 7  Semitic 18 German 28 Saturday, January 28. (V) Architecture 1a  History 43a Celtic 1  Hist. of Religions 5 Chemistry 1  Hist. of Religions 10 Chemistry 6  Land. Arch. 4 Economics 21  Mathematics 5 English 49  Mining 2 English 54  Mining 26 Fine Arts 9  Music 3 Geology 4  Music 4a hf Geology 10  Philosophy 13b German 2a  Philosophy 19 German 26a  Physics B Government 32  Physics 9 Greek 12  Physics 12 History 2a  Social Ethics 4 History 23a  Spanish 4 hf History 35  Zoology 17 History 40 Monday, January 30. (XI) Architecture 3b  German 32 Astronomy 4a  Government 12 Chemistry 11  Greek 2 Comp. Lit. 22  Greek 6 Economics 5  History 16 Economics 11  History A4 Education 2a  Land. Arch. 7 Engineering 6d  Mathematics 13 Engineering 13a  Mining 3 Engineering 14b  Music 4 English 28 hf  Philosophy 11a English 41  Physics 4 French 6  Physics 11 French 6c  Physiology 1 French 9  Rom. Phil. 3 German 1a II  Zoology 1 German 8  Zoology 12 Tuesday, January 31. (XIV) Economics 9a  Mining 19 Economics 14a  Music 1 Engineering 3a  Philosophy A Engineering 14a  Philosophy 14 German L hf  Philosophy 15 Government 15  Semitic 13 Land. Arch. 8  Spanish 17 hf Land. Arch. 9 Wednesday, February 1. (VI) Economics 3  French 3 Economics 8a  Land. Arch. 2 Engineering 3b  Land. Arch. 3 Engineering 16k  Music 4b hf Fine Arts 8  Slavic 4 hf French 2a I, II  Spanish 1 I, II French 2c v

Thursday, February 2. (III)Anthropology 5  History 12aAnthropology 9  History 17Architecture 1b  Land. Arch. 10Botany 7  Latin 1Class. Philol. 68  Latin 6Comp. Lit. 11  Mathematics AEconomics 12  Mathematics 4Education 3c  Mathematics 8Engineering 7b  Mineralogy 2English 2  Mining 28French 2a III, IV, V, VI  Music 6French 2c I, II, III  Philosophy 12Geology 19  Semitic A6German B  Semitic 1German 2b  Social Ethics 7German 21  Zoology 4Greek A  Zoology 14bGreek B IFriday, February 3. (VII)Anthropology 2  Indic Philol. 1aChemistry 9  Italian 5Economics 2  Land. Arch. 11Engineering 16b  Latin AFine Arts 1  Latin E hfFrench 4  Mathematics EFrench 14  Mathematics 16aFrench 16  Music 8Government 17  Philosophy CHistory 15  Philosophy 10Hist. of Religions 2Saturday, February 4. (XVI)Chemistry 16  German 20dClass. Philol. 53  History A3English A  History 46 hfMonday, February 6. (XIII)Architecture 2b  Greek GArchitecture 3c  Greek 10Architecture 3d  History 13Astronomy 5  Land. Arch. 6Chemistry 14  Latin B IV, VClass. Philol. 21  Latin 2aComp. Lit. 1  Mathematics 3Economics 27  Mathematics 10Education 6a  Philosophy DEngineering 16c  Philosophy 18English 14  Physics CFine Arts 5  Physics 1French 1b IV, V  Physics 3German 25  Slavic 1aGovernment
